Eight Century Farms Recognized for Having Farmed for Over 100 Years
Eight farms in Woodbury are recognized as Century Farms by the Minnesota Farm Bureau and Minnesota State Fair. These eight families owned their farms for at least one hundred years and were still farming at the time of the award:
- Bielenberg ( 1876)
- Fredin ( 1885)
- Heinbuch (1886)
- Horrisberger (1868)
- Mahle (1867)
- Ratzlaff ( 1872)
- Schilling (1857)
- Wolterstorff (1881)
Other farms known to have been farmed by the same family for over one hundred years:
- Marty (1863)
- Murphy (1872)
- Nieman (1872)
- Neubauer (1870)
- Stabenow (1866)
- Stoltzman (1877)

Orville Bielenberg Century Farm
7911 Bailey Road, 1876

Yost & Arthur Heinbuch Farm
8258 Bailey Road

Kenneth Mahle Sr. Century Farm
3880 Woodlane Drive, 1867

The Ratzlaff Farm
10316 Dale Road, 1882

The Schilling Farm
7535 Bailey Road, 1857

The Ratzlaff Farm
10316 Dale Road, 1882

The Wolterstroff Farm
3470 Valley Creek Road, 1881
(Old address & site of present City Hall)