Explore Woodbury

Open House

Marsh Creek Park corner of Radio Drive & Lake Road

1-4 p.m.

June 11th & 25th
July 9th & 23rd
August 13th & 27th
September 10th & 24th

The mission of the Woodbury Heritage Society is to preserve and document Woodbury’s history and to help residents of our community learn
about Woodbury’s early years. For more info (651) 714-3564.

We need volunteers in our gardens, in our history room and much more. You can help make the past come alive in Woodbury!

History in your Backyard

Tour 10 Historical Sites

Discover and learn about Woodbury’s rich history from the Ice Age through the reign of Chief Little Crow to the travel of the Europeans. Ten notable sites will be open from 1-4 p.m. on Sunday, August 13.  The Woodbury Heritage Society is celebrating our Society’s 40th Anniversary.

Pick up your passport and itinerary at the Heritage House (corner of Radio Drive and Lake Road). Tours are self-guided, with a volunteer attendant at each site providing historical information regarding that site. Be sure to have your passport stamped at each site. Make your last stop “Passport Control” at the Miller Barn / Valley Creek Park and enjoy refreshments.

Barn Raising Event

Attendees enjoyed ice cream, conversation, and a barn-raising demonstration by Joe and William Bruentrup and Dan Weldon. The small-scale barn was built to fit together easily and show how barns were built in the early days of Woodbury. Both children and adults enjoyed the process of building the barn. They also showed the visitors a hand-powered drill press of the kind that was used in those days.

“Le Diner Blanc” White Party Fundraising Event

Funds generated by Woodbury Heritage Society’s two French Picnic “Le Diner Blanc” along with generous donations from Society members and the community at large were used for the Miller Barn restoration work.

“Le Diner Blanc” is a gathering where all attendees wear white including hats, with the decorations, tables, and chairs all in white (wearing white is optional). The popular Miller Barn French picnic takes a distinctive change from other French white parties. Each attendee received a delectable French picnic basket meal.  This fun, exciting, fundraising event also include entertainment and interesting auction.

We are look forward to hosting our next “Le Diner Blanc” in the near future!

Community Partnerships

The Woodbury Community Foundation had its beginnings in 2003 as “Friends of Woodbury” when a group of seven concerned citizens took on the task of raising funds to purchase a piano for the City’s new Central Park. The money was raised, and the equipment purchased in 2004. During this process, a number of other needs and issues within the community were identified. This resulted in the vision of the group being expanded to include the establishment of a community focused nonprofit foundation.

Fourteen years ago, the Foundation began an Academy for Woodbury citizens emphasizing the importance of making cities more human and nurturing a strong sense of connection.

In partnership, the Woodbury Heritage Society has been invited to present and share Woodbury’s history at both the Community and the Youth Leadership Academies.

The Woodbury Community Academy

The program consists of eight sessions covering local government, cross-cultural leadership, education, public safety, public works and much more!  Build connections and involvement in the community through this unique behind-the-scenes experience.   Woodbury Community Academy is made possible through the partnership of the City of Woodbury and the Woodbury Lions Club

Questions?   Please email us at: [email protected].

Youth Leadership Academy

This program is a 5-week service learning, leadership development and entrepreneurial program. It’s designed to give students who are incoming seniors (grade 12) opportunities to develop critical skills necessary for increased community engagement. In the program they will also acquire real world skills to succeed in the business environment and explore entrepreneurship in the 21st century. Students successfully completing the program and submitting the required essay are eligible to earn a scholarship! Questions?   Please email us at: [email protected].

Valley Creek Park

The newly created Valley Creek Park located on Valley Creek Road and Settlers Ridge contains wetlands, oak woodlands, a coniferous tree plantation, restored prairie and oak savanna. The prairie areas will be maintained. More trees will be added and the existing oak savanna will continue to be enhanced.

A trout-stream headwaters area will be maintained and buffered by vegetation with an overlook for visitors to view. Plans are in development to protect the headwaters and to educate park users on its importance.

Historical Trails

Woodbury Heritage Society is excited to be partnering with the City of Woodbury by creating historical signs along these beautiful trails.  In the spring of 2023, educational/informative signs with QR codes will tell the stories of Woodbury’s history. These historical signs will enhance the creation of this stellar park that will encourage community members and visitors to Valley Creek Park.

Self-guided tours of the trails will promote exercise, interaction with others and creating a sense of community pride. This park is a true “gem” for the City’s residents through the park’s uniqueness.

The park also provides a unique, fun, and creative play area for families. It already has become a great attraction for many families.