Is It Larger Than a Bread Box?
by Patty (Stutzman) Paulus | May 2024
Photos: Patty (Stutzman) Paulus
Do you remember playing certain games and asking one another, “Is it larger than a bread box?” Do you have a bread box in your home now? Bread boxes were very necessary in farmhouses for a variety of reasons. They kept bread at a cool, constant temperature, and they were often made of metal to keep mice away and keep bread from going stale. However, their decline was due to the advent of preservatives in bread and the packaging of commercial bread in plastic bags. This metal bread box (pictured below) is still located in the kitchen area of the Heritage House located at the corner of Radio Drive and Lake Road.
When the house is open for tours in a few months, see it for yourself. My sister and I used to play in this house when it was located on the Stutzman family farm—which is now Marsh Creek. If memory serves me right, the wooden cabinet that houses the bread box stands exactly in the same spot, after all these years!
Patty (Stutzman) Paulus is a board member of the Woodbury Heritage Society.