
Heritage Happenings

Newsletter of the Woodbury Heritage Society

Shadows of Time

Shadows of Time . . . Minnesota’s Surviving Railroad Depots by Bill Schrankler and Frederick L. Johnson. Published by the Woodbury Heritage Society, the 256 page full color coffee table book brings to life Minnesota’s remaining 168 depots, including all 53 now on the National Register of Historic Places. Entertaining and fact filled, with hundreds of photographs, maps and other images, the narrative provides a fresh look at Minnesota railroads through brief studies of these aging structures. The forward is by Governor Wendell R. Anderson. 

Woodbury: A Past to Remember

Our book, Woodbury: A Past to Remember, published to celebrate our country’s bicentennial in 1976 is available for $15.00.

Woodbury: A Past to Remember

A reproduction of the Woodbury Community Club’s 1923 cookbook is available for $5.00